25 Ott 2016
Team 2x - 12 rounds 15 calories row/skierg/assault bike 10 hspu 5 power clean @ AHAP RX: 100/65 kg (1 round each person, alternating)
24 Ott 2016
Back Squat - Week 4 Deload week 5 @ 40% 5 @ 50% 5 @ 60% ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Amrap 15' Ladder 2/4/6/8... DBs squat clean thruster burpee box jumps
21 Ott 2016
7 rounds, start every 4 min, 21 calories row 14 knees to elbows 7 push jerks @ 70/45 kg
20 Ott 2016
Deadlift - Week 3 75% x 5 reps 85% x 3 reps 95% x 1 o + reps ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Team 2x - For Time 60 squat clean @ 90/60 kg
19 Ott 2016
On The Minute x 24 min min 1 - 60 double unders min 2 - 21 kb swings @ 24/16 kg min 3 - 12 hspu and so on... (scaling option on the board)
18 Ott 2016
Press - Week 3 75% x 5 reps 85% x 3 reps 95% x 1 o + reps ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 3 rounds for time of 15 clean & jerk @ 60/40 kg 15 chest to bar pull ups
17 Ott 2016
Back Squat - Week 3 75% x 5 reps 85% x 3 reps 95% x 1 o + reps ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Amrap 12' 21 wall balls 9 burpee plate
14 Ott 2016
Amrap 24' - Team 2x 160 double unders 80 air squat 8 muscle ups
13 Ott 2016
Deadlift - Week 2 70% x 3 reps 80% x 3 reps 90% x 3 o + reps ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: "Open Workout 15.5" For Time 27 - 21 - 15 - 9 calories row / assault bike / skierg thrusters @ 40/30 kg
12 Ott 2016
Press - Week 2 70% x 3 reps 80% x 3 reps 90% x 3 o + reps ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: For Time 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 kb swings @ 32/24 kg pull ups