11 Dic 2019
"Strict Lynne" 5 rounds, not for time, max bodyweight bench press + max strict pull ups - rest as needed btw rounds -
10 Dic 2019
2 rounds, for reps, 3 min - max cal row 3 min - max KB swings @ 32/24 kg 3 min - max burpee box jumps over 3 min - max wall balls @ 20/14 lbs - rest 3 min -
9 Dic 2019
Team x2 10 rounds, I go You go 21 calories bike/row 15 deadlift @ 70/45 kg 9 push jerk @ 70/45 kg
6 Dic 2019
Amrap 20' 6 busters @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg 12 toes to bar 40 double unders
5 Dic 2019
Heavy Day 20 min to find max load of 3 hang power clean + 2 hang squat clean + 1 front squat
4 Dic 2019
A - Amrap 7' 12 cal row 8 burpee over row ::: rest 3 min ::: B - Amrap 7' 11 cal bike 9 DB thruster @ 2x15/10 kg ::: rest 3 min ::: C - Amrap 7' 10 cal skierg 10 KB swings @ 32/24 kg
3 Dic 2019
Heavy Day Push Press 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 ::: ::: ::: ::: Cool Down 50 strict pull ups with a partner
2 Dic 2019
Team "Christine" 3 rounds of 1000m row * 24 deadlift @ 100/70 kg 42 box jumps * when one is rowing, the other is holding the barbell
29 Nov 2019
Amrap 12' 3 weighted pull ups 6 DBs push ups 9 DBs squats - rest - In 12 minutes, team of 3, max calories on airbike/skierg
28 Nov 2019
5 rounds, start every 5 min, 5 overhead squat @ 60/40 kg 10 hspu 300m row