25 Feb 2020
Back Squat 2nd cycle - Week 3 75% x 5 reps 85% x 3 reps 95% x 1+ reps ::: ::: ::: Emom 10' strict pull ups --> 8 / 6 / 4 reps
24 Feb 2020
Box Closed ::: ::: ::: Home workout For Time 20 burpees 80 push ups 20 burpees 100 sit ups 20 burpees 120 air squat 20 burpees
21 Feb 2020
Bench Press 2nd cycle - 2nd week 70% x 3 reps 80% x 3 reps 90% x 3+ reps ::: ::: ::: Strict Pull Ups 3 - 3 - 3 (weighted) 1 set max reps @ 50% load 1 set max reps @ bw
20 Feb 2020
3 rounds for time of 50 calories 40 DB push jerk (10 each arm) 30 KB swings @ 32/24 kg
19 Feb 2020
Back Squat 2nd cycle - Week 2 70% x 3 reps 80% x 3 reps 90% x 3+ reps ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: For Time 21 - 15 - 9 front squat @ 40/30 kg burpee over the bar
18 Feb 2020
"D.T." 5 rounds of 12 deadlift 9 hang power clean 6 push jerk Rx @ 70/45 kg
17 Feb 2020
"Tabata This" 8 x 20" on / 10" off row (calories) air squat pull ups push ups sit ups - 1 min rest btw -
14 Feb 2020
Team x 2 12 rounds for time 1 round each - I go / You go 24 wall balls 12 deadlift @ 100/70 kg
13 Feb 2020
From Amrap 20' 5 power snatch @ 50/35 kg 7 toes to bar 9 box jumps @ 60/50 cm
12 Feb 2020
Bench Press 2° cycle - 1° week 65% x 5 reps 75% x 5 reps 85% x 5+ reps ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Weighted Strict Pull Ups 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2