
  For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders  

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Back Squat / Push Press 3-3-3-3-3   amrap 10' 8 kb swings 24/16 6 burpees 4 HSPU

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Emom 10' 1 high hang pwr snatch 1 hang power snatch for quality   metcon Amrap 15' 3 hang power snatch 50/35 +2 rounds 3 push ups 5 squats 7 sit ups

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3 rounds for time 25 wall balls 10/7 25 box jumps 500 mt row 5' rest 10' work up  to heavy Deadlift  

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100 double unders 30 pull ups 30 power clean 80/60 kg 30 pull ups 100 ddouble unders

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TEAM WOD (3PERSONS) Amrap 20' A. 20 cal row B. Amrap Burpees C. Amrap Wall balls score is total reps 5' rest amrap 5' team ladder plate ground to over head anyhow 25/20 kg

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15' to establish 2RM push jerk or deadlift (you choose) amrap 12' 5 hspu 10 heavy kb swings 15 ab mat sit ups

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5 rounds 12 thrusters 35/25 kg 12 hang power snatch 35/25 kg 12 box jumps  

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7 rounds 7 hang power clean 60/40 kg 14 push ups with hand release 21 barbell lateral jumps   Weakness Amrap 10' weakness 1 weakness 2 (You chose the scheme)  

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In 15' work up to your 2RM Front squat 30/20/10 front squat 35/25kg toes to bar emom 3 burpees

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