
25 pull ups 100 push ups 25 pull ups 100 sit ups 25 pull ups 100 squat 25 pull ups

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Odd minute 3 power snatch (climbing) even minute 40 double unders 10 rounds

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2' on + 1' off 5 Front squat 70/45 kg + amrap ball slam 2' on + 1' off 7 Push Press 70/45 kg + amrap toes to bar 2' on + 1' off 10 hang power clean 70/45 kg + amrap push ups h/o REPEAT 3 times Score is total reps

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Amrap 20' 1 round 4 chest to bar pull ups 8 swings 32/24 12 bb lat jumps 1 power clean 75/50 kg 1 round 4 chest to bar pull ups 8 swings 32/24 12 bb lat jumps 2 power clean 75/50 kg ..... (+1 power clean each round)

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5' - 30" on / 30" off row for calories ball slam 20/15 kg Knees to elbows / sit ups burpees dead lifts 70/50kg score is total reps   Ball slams

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Front Squat 5/5/5   metcon 15 - 12 - 9 - 12 - 15 wall balls 20/14 lbs push ups h/o SDHP 40/30 kg  

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