
Three 3alls of Hell Amrap 15' 5 Atlas stone shouldering 10 ball slams 15 wall balls (courtesy of CrossFit Pori :))  

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3 rounds 15 Hang Squat Clean Thruster 45/35 kg 20 toes to to bar 25 push ups 400 mt run 2' rest

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40 burpees 30 power snatch 50/35 kg 30 bar facing burpees 20 power snatch 60/40 kg 20 burpee pull ups 10 power snatch 70/ 45 kg  

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Max distance row in 15' team of 2, switch each 300 mt   7 Rounds 3 power clean 90/60kg 4 Hand stand push ups

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team of 2 complete for time: 100 Wall balls (20/14 lbs to a 10’ target) 100 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups 100 One-legged squats, alternating 100 One-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating (70/50 lbs) (partition reps as you see fit)

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3 rm push press in 15'   Teams of 2 (1 Man, 1 Woman) For time: Man completes 21-15-9 reps of: 275 pound Deadlift 30“ Box jump Then, woman completes 21-15-9 reps of: 185 pound Deadlift 24“ Box jump

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400 mt run/row 30 burpees 400 mt run/row 60 walkin lunges 400 mt r/r 60 kb swings 400 mt run 30 kb squats 2' rest btw

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2 rounds 2' max cal row 30'' rest 2' max hang power snatch 45/30 kg 30'' rest 2' max box jumps and over 30'' rest 2' max push press 45/30 kg 30'' rest 2' max front squat+ wall balls 9/6kg 30'' rest 1' rest between rounds

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15' to establish 1 RM Power Clean   15 power clean 75% 800 mt run /1000 mt row / 150 double under 12 power clean 75 % 400 mt run /750 mt row / 100 double under 9 power clean 75% 200 mt run / 500 mt row / 50 double unders  

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15' to establish 1 RM Power Snatch   3 rounds 1' KB swing 32/24 1' burpee plate 1' ball slam 20/15 1' rest

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