
15' to establish 2RM Deadlift   MetCon ''Christine'' 3 rounds 500m Row Deadlift Body weight x 12 Box jumps 60/50 cm x 21  

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in 5' 60 double unders buy in amrap 6 db hang squat cleans 6 burpees 2' rest in 5' 60 double unders buy in 8 db push jerks 8 knees to elbows 2' rest   REPEAT  2 TIMES!  

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Emom 10' Power Clean   400 mt run 21 power clean 60/40 21 Ring dips 200 mt run 15 power clean 15 ring dips 200 mt run 9 power clean 60/40 9 ring dips 400 run

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For time: 15 power snatch 1 round ''Cindy'' 15 power snatch 2 rounds ''Cindy'' 15 power snatch 3 Rounds ''Cindy'' 15 Power snatch 4 rounds ''Cindy'' 15 power snatch 5 rounds ''Cindy''   35/25kg

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3 rounds 200 mt run 25 box jumps 3' rest 3 rounds 250 row 20 kb swings 3' rest 3rounds 75 double unders 15 push press 40/30 kg   ...SI FA CALDO ANCHE OGGI...FORSE PIU' DI IERI...E L'ARIA CONDIZIONATA NON C'E' E MAI CI SARA'...

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Amrap 20' 10 db snatch right arm 30/20 kg 10 toes to bar 10 db snatch left arm 30/20 kg 10 burpees   ...SI FA CALDO...FA CALDO PERCHE' E' ESTATE...

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every 90'' x 10 rounds do 6 Deadlifts 4 hp clean 2 push jerk Max load and reps unbroken   3 rounds 15 ring rows 15 push press 40/30kg 100 mt sprint 25mtx4 shuffle 90'' rest

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team wod 3x   Max Team Cal Row in 15' 5' rest Team 3RM Deadlift Score is total cal+ total KG

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3 rounds 200 mt farmer carry 2 kb 32kg 21 ball slams 20/15kg 18 box jumps 60/50 cm 15 hspu    

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