
Fight gone bad variation   1' wall ball 1' kb sdhp 1' box jumps 1' db push press 1' cal row 1' rest x 3 score total reps

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Emom 10 3 Deadlift 2 Hang Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean Max load   MetCon 5 Rounds 10 Hang power Clean 80/55 kg 40 Double unders   L1 70/50 kg L2 60/40 kg L3 50/35 kg L4 40/30 kg L5 35/25 kg   🙂  

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Skill: Box squat (low load, technique)   Metcon 4 rounds for time 400 mt run 15 Shoulders to overhead 60/40kg  

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10 rounds for time ''CYNDABEL'' 3 power snatch 60/40 kg 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats

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A. Team challenge (couple) 10' max effort row (1' each)   B. "Power Fat Elizabeth" 21/15/9 Power Clean 70/50 kg ring dips

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5 rounds Run 200 7db split snatch 30/20 kg dx Run 200 7db split snatch 30/20 kg sx

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30" max strict pull ups /30" rest x 10   metcon amrap 14' 4 deadlifts 110/70 kg 8 burpee lateral jumps 12 wall balls 10/7 kg

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The 9-11 WOD – 1 Round 2001m row 11 box jumps (36in/24in) 11 thrusters (57k/38k) (125 pounds =125 deaths at The Pentagon) 11 burpee to chest to bar pull ups 11 power cleans (80k/55k) (175 pounds= AA Flight #175, south tower) 11 hand stand push ups 11 kb swings...

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5 rounds 100 mt farmer's carry 2x32/24 10 power snatch 50/35kg 12 pull ups   ..ooooh grip....

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