
Front squat OR Push press 10-5-3-1-1-1 ''Rowing Helen'' 3 rounds 500 mt row 21 kb swings 12 pull ups

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team of 2 amrap 20 8 wall ball 8 power clean 40/30 8 box jumps I go, you go  

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Skill: every 90" x 10 sets 2 positions snatch for technique mid tight mid shin   metcon 12.2 open workout

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"Tabata This!"   Tabata Row Rest 1 minute Tabata Squat Rest 1 minute Tabata Pull-up Rest 1 minute Tabata Push-up Rest 1 minute Tabata Sit-up     The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is...

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“Abbate” Run 1 mile 21 Clean and Jerk 70/50 kg Run 800m 21 Clean and Jerk Run 1 mile Level 3 60/40 kg Level 2, 800/400/800 50/35kg Level 1 800/400/800  35/25 kg

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10/5/3/1/1/1 box squat (regular stance 90 degrees at hip)   met con 2 rounds 20 cal row 20 burpees 20 ball slam 20 wall ball

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amrap 20'   ascendind ladder 1 push press 50/35 kg 1 toe to bar 10 double under 2/2 10 3/3 10 4/4 10 .....

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Every 90" x 10 sets 1 clean & jerk   3 rounds of 400m run 21 deadlift @ 100kg

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Team wod 4component 3000mt row 200 axle thrusters 35/25kg 150 pull ups 100 hspu 20mt front rack axle relay

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