5 rounds for load and time 10 Deadlifts 20 Push ups 30 sit ups 40 squats 2' rest   Increase Dead lift load each round

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max effort 2K row rest   Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 30 Double-unders 15 Power snatches (75lbs / 35kg)   today's wod by Jason Khalipa

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27/21/15/9 hang clean & jerk 45/30kg pull ups   la beffa c'è sempre...

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70 wall ball 60 sit ups 50 ball slams 40 burpees touch 30 box jumps and over 20 hspu 1 k row

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Back squat work up to heavy load for 20' then 20 back squat for time @100 / 70 kg   Metcon 10/1 Push Press 50/35 kg 30 double unders each round

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AMRAP 10' 1/... Clean and Jerk 60/40 toes to bar 5' rest AMRAP 10' 1/... Deadlift 80/60kg push ups

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10' to establish 1 RM Hang Power Clean Metcon 5 rounds for time of 15 wall balls 12 box jumps and over 9 Hang power clean 70/50 kg

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