
amrap 10' 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squat   5' rest   amrap 10' 12 deadlift 70/50 kg 9 hang powe clean 70/50 kg 6 push jerk 70/50 kg

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40 reps each double unders kb swings 16kg walking lunges 10kg toes to bar 1 arm db push press 20 kg box jumps 45cm pull ups burpees sumo deadlift high pull kb 24 double unders  

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10' Clean and Jerk conga line   amrap 15' 50 wall ball 35 power clean 64/45 kg 20 push jerks 65/45

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3 rounds for load thruster 3 / 2 / 1   3 rounds for reps 1' cal row 1' burpees 1' pull ups

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Tabata Sit ups 2' rest Amrap 12' ascending ladder +2 2 Dead lift 100 / 70kg 2 handstand push ups 4 4 6 6 ... rest 2' Tabata ball slam

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emom 10' 3  hang power clean   metcon 3 rounds 15 hang power clean 60/40 15 chest to bar pull ups

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Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5   3 rounds 2' max double unders 1' rest   domanda: e chi non sa fare i doppi?? risposta: IMPARA

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OGGI ALLENAMENTO SOLO ALLE 10 E ALLE 13   21/18/15/12/9/6/3 wall balls 20/14 lbs pull ups kb swings 24/16 kg  

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