
Amrap 20' I go you go 4 Power Cleans 70/50kg 8 Push iups h/o 12 Box jumps 60/50 cm

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7 sets of 3 press + 3 push jerks   met con 4 rounds for reps 90'' DB Clean and jerks 25/20 kg 90''  Double unders 90'' rest

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Partner 3 K row   Met con 10 rounds 10 wall balls 10/7 10 DB Snatch 30/20kg  

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30′ work up to 1 RM Snatch do small jumps so you can do a lot of reps   then   ”Isabel” 30 Snatch 60/40Kg

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emom 10' alternate 15 kb swings 24/16 20 sit ups   rest as needed   2 rounds 500 mt row 40 thrusters 20/15 20 toes to bar

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Partner wod In 30' 1,6 km sandbag run +amrap 6 deadlifts 90/60 kg 12 box jumps 76/60 cm 100 mt run

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Partner Sled drag 10' then "Cindy XXX" Complete as much as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 30 Squats 15 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 45 Squats 20 Pull-ups 40 Push-ups 60 Squats 25 Pull-ups 50 Push-ups 75 Squats 30 Pull-ups 60 Push-ups 90 Squats  ...

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30' work up to 1 RM Clean and jerk do small jumps so you can do a lot of reps   then   ''Grace'' 30 clean and jerks 60/40Kg

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