
Emom 30' 1' 3 heavy cleans 2' 8 toes to bar 3' 35 double unders ( da studi approfonditi è emerso che per imparare a farli si deve continuare a farli fin che non si è imparato)  

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800 mt run 10/1 - 1/10 handstand push ups - Dead lift 100/70kg 800 mt run

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The Ghost 6 rounds of: 1 minute of rowing 1 minute of burpees 1 minute of double-unders 1 minute rest Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score. Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double-under reps completed to...

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3 rounds 3 x 10 wall balls 10 kb swings 24/16 10 box jumps then 400 mt run

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Partner wod 10' 800 mt plate run 20/15 amrap burpee plate 10' 800 mt sandbag run 40/30 amrap sandbag squat 10' 800 mt dumbells run 20/15 amrap db man makers  

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800 mt run 21 power snatch 600 mt run 15 power snatch 400 mt run 9 power snatch 200 mt run 3 power snatch   60/40

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10 rounds 5 pull ups 7 push ups ho 4' rest 1 k row 4' rest 2 rounds 25 wall ball 25 ring dips

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Emom 30 0'00 3 Heavy power cleans 1'00 20 air squat 2'00 30 double unders

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1 mile run at 10' amrap 10' 12 kb sumo dead lift 32/24 6 burpee pull ups at 25' 1 mile run

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7' to establish 2 RM Shoulder Press 7' to establish 4 RM Push Press 7' to establish 6 RM Push Jerk   3 rounds 500 mt run 50 over head squats 20/15Kg

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