
On The Minute x 10 min 3 power clean 2 front squat 1 push jerk --- carico fisso --- + amrap 12' 5 wall ball @ 9kg/6kg 200m run + 5 wall ball ogni round...   Riflessione del giorno: i workout sono studiati per i più forti del box, in modo che loro ci possano...

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For Time 80 kb swing @ 24/16 kg 70 push ups h/o 60 box jumps 50 burpees 40 ttb 30 hspu 400m run

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50 cal row 40 wall ball 30 db snatch right arm 60 mt oh walking lunges 25/15 30 db snatch left arm 40 wall balls 50 cal row

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3RM deadlift touch and go NO SOUND   21 Deadlift 100/70 21 box jumps 400 run 15 deads 15 box jumps 400 mt run 9 deads 9 box jumps 400 mt run

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Emom 30' 1' 1 round cindy 2' 5 clean and jerks 60/40 3' ebbene si 30" amrap double unders

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"Nate" Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of: 2 Muscle-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups 8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings  

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800 mt run 30 shoulders to overhead 50/35kg 600 mt run 20 shoulders to overhead 60/40kg 400 mt run 10 shoulders to overhead 70/50kg  

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