
"Chipperello" 20 front squat 30 push jerk 40 ttb 30 push jerk 20 front squat   rx: 60/40 kg

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amrap 6' 12 sdlhp @ 45 kg 12 box jumps rec. 3' amrap 5' 10 sdlhp 10 box jumps R rec. 2'30" amrap 4' 8 sdlhp 8 box jumps & over

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Interval Row 8 x 45" max effort / 1'15" rec + Bench Press find 3 RM in 16 min  

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Teams of 2 Amrap 30' 100 double unders 75 wall balls 50 burpees 25 power cleans 70/50 kg  

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Tabata This! Tabata row Rest 1 minute Tabata squat Rest 1 minute Tabata pull-up Rest 1 minute Tabata push-up Rest 1 minute Tabata sit-up The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. Tabata score is the least number of...

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Ladder 12 / 3 pull ups push ups after each round, 3 squat clean @ 75 kg   CFPR consiglia: tieni traccia dei tuoi risultati giornalieri, così puoi sapere se migliori.

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5' max cal row 5' max hang power clean 60/40 5' max double unders 5' max push jerk 60/40 teams of 2

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15' to find max load of: 8 walking lunges   amrap 12' 12 wall ball 12 push ups ''ENZOFF'' 12 DB snatch 30/20 Kg

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Amrap 25' 4 hand stand push ups 8 box jumps & over 12 kb swings 32/24 Kg teams of 2

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