25 Mag 2015

"Murph - Memorial Day" For time, 1,6 km run 100 pull ups 200 push ups 300 squats 1,6 km run partition the reps as needed. start and finish with the run. if you have a 10 kg vest, wear it. CFPR avvisa: - opzioni per scalare l'allenamento sulla lavagna. - possibilità di...

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22 Mag 2015

5 rounds for time of 500m row (girls 400m) 7 hang squat cleans @ 70/45 kg 13 burpees   watch Regionals this weekend here:

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21 Mag 2015

On The Minute x 20 min even: 10 push presses @ 50/35 kg odd: 15 swings @ 24/16 kg (scaling options on the whiteboard)

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20 Mag 2015

Heavy Day Back Squat 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1   Heavy days are essentials in crossfit programming to develop strength !!!

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19 Mag 2015

Regional Event 6 5 rounds for time of 25 calories row 16 chest to bar pull ups 9 strict hand stand push ups   scaling option on the whiteboard

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18 Mag 2015

On The Minute x 20 min even: 5 power cleans @ 85/55 kg odd: 15 wall balls @ 9/6 kg  

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15 Mag 2015

For time, 500m run/row 50 power snatches @ 35/25 kg 50 toes to bar 50 thrusters @ 35/25 kg 500m run/row

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14 Mag 2015

10 rounds for time of, 100m run 7 push jerks @ 75/50 kg 10 box jumps over - 1 min rest btw -

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13 Mag 2015

"Tabata This!" Tabata Row Rest 1 minute Tabata Squat Rest 1 minute Tabata Pull-up Rest 1 minute Tabata Push-up Rest 1 minute Tabata Sit-up The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of...

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12 Mag 2015

On The Minute x 15 min 1'--> 5' : 3 power cleans 6' --> 10' : 2 power cleans 11' --> 15' : 1 power clean increasing load - then - Amrap 10' 5 deadlifts @ 70/45 kg 5 hang power cleans 30 double unders

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