For Time 800m run 30 hang power snatch 400m run 20 power snatch 200m run 10 hang squat snatch rx: 50/35 kg
Thruster 5 sets of 2 reps @ 90% ::: ::: ::: ::: For Time 400m run 30 alt DB snatch @ ahap 20 calories
5 rounds of 15 burpees 20 double KBs overhead lunges 15 toes to bar rx: 2 x 16/12 kg
Deadlift 5 sets of 2 reps (1+1) @ 90% ::: ::: ::: Finisher OptA – 100 cals – easy pace OptB – 100 cals – max effort OptC – 200 cals, team 2x, 10 each
Amrap 20′ 5 dumbbell strict pull ups @ 15/10 kg 10 push ups 15 dumbbell squat @ 22.5/15 kg
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