
shoulder press 2-2-2-2-2 + max strict pull ups   10/1 Push press 60/40 kg 200 mt run


Amrap 13′ 29 double unders 5 power Clean 80/60 kg   5’29” rest   Team ” Isabel” team of 2 1 rep each until 60 power snatch 60/40 kg are completed 30 reps per...


Three 3alls of Hell Amrap 15′ 5 Atlas stone shouldering 10 ball slams 15 wall balls (courtesy of CrossFit Pori :))  ...


3 rounds 15 Hang Squat Clean Thruster 45/35 kg 20 toes to to bar 25 push ups 400 mt run 2′ rest


40 burpees 30 power snatch 50/35 kg 30 bar facing burpees 20 power snatch 60/40 kg 20 burpee pull ups 10 power snatch 70/ 45 kg