21/15/9 Hand stand push ups Box lumps 60/50 rest 4′ 21/15/9 Wall ball kb swings 32/24 rest 4′ 21/15/9 Cal row db snatch 30/20
50 deadlifts 50 walking lunges 40 back squats 40 toes to bar 30 power cleans 30 burpees 20 thrusters 20 triple unders boys 50kg girls 35 kg
Emom 15 hang power snatch + power snatch metcon 600 mt ru 30 burpee box jumps 600 mt run
partner workout in 6′ max back squats 100/70kg 3′ rest in 6′ max power cleans 80/60 kg 3′ rest in 6′ max push jerks 60/40 kg
20/15/10/5 Dead lift 140/90 ches to bar pull ups at minute 15:00 1.6 km run
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