
amrap 10′ ”Cindy” 5′ rest amrap 10′ ”DT”


50 sit ups 40 hang power clean 50/35kg 30 pull ups 50 box jumps & over 40 Sumo deadlift high pulls 50/35 30 toes to bar 50 air squats 40 shoulders to overhead 50/35 kg 30 kte


intervals row 30” max effotr 60” rest 12 rounds   ”Randy” 75 power snatches 75 puonds


Amrap 7′ ladder 2 trusters 40/30 kg 2 pull ups 4 4 … … rest 2′ amrap 7′ ladder 2 power clean 60/40 kg 2 burpeess 4 4 … … rest 2′ 7′ to establish 1 RM Press...


Team wod (2 people) 50 handstand push ups 150 wall balls 200 push ups Hands release 250 kb swing 2 x 200 mt run relay