
7 rounds 7 hang power clean 60/40 kg 14 push ups with hand release 21 barbell lateral jumps   Weakness Amrap 10′ weakness 1 weakness 2 (You chose the scheme)  


In 15′ work up to your 2RM Front squat 30/20/10 front squat 35/25kg toes to bar emom 3 burpees


50 double unders 40 hang power snatch 20/15 kg (empty bar) 30 med ball sit ups 9/6 kg 20 Dead Lifts body weight 10 hand stad push ups 2′ Rest REPEAT!!


Emom 10′ 1 thruster (max load)   21/15/9 thrusters 40/30 X2 box jumps 60/50 cm (21/42 – 15/30 – 9/18 time!!)  


2k row 100 kb sumo deadlift high pulls 32/24 kg 50 burpee pull ups